Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Basic Photo: Finding My Inner Photographer

"There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”
-Ernst Haas

Here is what I ended up with on my first journey behind the lens and in the dark room.
*Disclaimer: the film is grainy because we used a 200 ASA/ISO for 400 ASA/ISO film. The scanner only enhanced their graininess. What I'm trying to say is they look better in person.

Final ten photographs:

Alexa Playing the Guitar, 2010

Roxy Playing the Ukulele, 2010

John's Drum Set, 2010

John Playing the Drums, 2010

He Never Asked, For He Would Never Admit Defeat, 2010

Portrait of John, 2010

Fragmentation, 2010

Flowers At Sunset, 2010

Good Morning Coffee, 2010

To Have And To Hold, 2010

Bonus Photographs:

Roxy Playing the Guitar, 2010

Fingers On Fret, 2010

Casting Light, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Most of you know the trials and tribulations of my first month back at Marist, so I won't bore or depress anyone with the details, but I'm just writing to say, I'm done! I've been a fool. I've taken my blinders off and I can see! Whatever comes my way, both the good and the bad, is PERFECT. Whether things are hard or not, my life is the way it is, and is perfectly unfolding, leading me soon to the next moment of Joy where I will realize--"Aha! that is why this happened, so I could be here--at this wonderful place in my life."

I only have this one and only life. I choose joy. I choose positivity. The rest will resolve and everything will fall into place.

Friday, September 17, 2010

To Empathize is to Civilize, To Civilize is to Empathize

This IS our future. This IS Human nature. Watch and don't let society, government, parents, education and culture tell you any different.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Very cool-

The association of images to words, and words to words:

I LOVE Songs Like THIS!

Ian Axel – This is The New Year

Another year you made a promise
another chance to turn it all around
and do not save this for tomorow
embrace the past and you can live for now
and I will give the world to you

Speak louder that the words before you
and give them meaning no one else has found
The role we play is so important
we are the voices of the undergroud
and I would give the world to you

Say everything you’ve always wanted,
be not afraid of who you really are,
cause in the end we have each other,
and thats at least one thing worth living for,
and I would give the world to you

A million suns that shine upon me
A million eyes you are the brightest blue
Lets tear the walls down that divide us
and build a statue strong enough for two,

I pass it back to you
and I will wait for you,
cause I would give the world
and I would give the world
and I would give the world to you

This is the new year
A new begining
You made a promise
You are the brightest
We are the voices
This is the new year
We are the voices
This is the new year

Unity. Love. Hope.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Want to be here!

(view from thatcher park)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cause I believe, Yes I believe that we can find the surface

Hoping that everyone finds their parachutes.


Your legacy spans the globe. We will carry on your name and your message till our last breath.

Monday, July 12, 2010

One by one...

One day they fell, one by courageous one, and when that happened the world lost the souls that fought for its freedom, and piece by broken piece my faith chipped away.

Sunday, at the moment Spain and the Netherlands played for the world cup three bombs exploded in Kampala, Uganda. One was under the table of an Ethiopian restaurant where my friend, Uganda's friend and the world's friend sat. (

I awoke this morning to the news, hurling in pain at the double blow this tragedy brings. Two of God's beautiful soldiers for peace have returned to him this year, but were selfishly ripped away from us.

*Aside to God: Why? How could you be taking away those that offer the world peace, those that live to create freedom for all? Do you only take the good? It feels like you are slowly poisoning this world, kicking the crutches out from under us, taking from us the souls that hold most promise--those that, if you had just let stay, would have brought world peace. Stop it! Stop taking the good, stop taking those that I love. Leave me with a little hope left, that's all I ask. Please, let the ones I love live. I don't like waking up each day afraid to lose anyone else.*

Rob, now Nate. Two friends. Both living out their dreams when the time came calling, both working tirelessly for Invisible Children, both fighting for humanity. The similarities of the circumstances nauseate my soul, and shred away the healing that started to take place. I am reliving a nightmare that has been with me everyday since November 13.

Rest in peace. You are in my thoughts and prayers Henn family.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 4th

My 4th of July...*sigh*...It could not have been any better. Of course I had to go to work (my new job as a waitress at the Apollo) at five in the morning, which is not the first thing you would think of as being part of the equation to a great holiday, but I really did not mind. I work with a lovely staff (including my best friend Holly), had friendly customers (most of the day), and made twice as much in tips today than I have all week! (which is really all you can ask for.) It then crescendoed with a day by the pool with Holly, and relaxing at my uncle's with the family. Oh if only I had a camera that was capable of taking great dusk and nighttime photographs! The beauty I would have captured tonight! Walking down to the fireworks was the first taste of peace I have known for weeks. It was a connectedness to nature, deep down in my soul that filled me with hunger and made my eyes greedy. I could have stared into the dusky sky, breathed in my surroundings and enjoyed the beauty forever, if I was allowed. When the fireworks began, it was like a panorama of rose buds bursting in the spring over stems of cornfields. And even though they made little headway over the rolling hills and tops of trees it was ok, because my fireworks were the cotton candy sky, the expansive golden wheat fields, my colorful family each bringing their own flavor, and the firefly sparks, shimmers in the warm summer nights breeze, that danced around the sky and grazed the earth. And that smelled of peace, of mother nature. It seeped into me and made me feel whole.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Marry your "loves" with your "have tos"

I just had my last class today, which is probably why I'm finally getting back to blogging. Sorry for the lack of updates. This semester has been crazy-- a whirlwind of emotions, work, new and old. In a nutshell the beginning of this semester was tough, coming back to the absence of my dear friend that passed away in november, and also getting used to my two friends leaving to the same place that took him. For the first month I balanced classes, work and visits to the guidance counselor, then in February, ironically, I met someone who took my mind off of what I lost. Yep, I'm back in the saddle again. I suppose I never go to long being single. Then somehow between Comm. classes, drawing, friends, boyfriend, eating a lot and never sleeping, the months got ahead of me, and here we are, at the end. I would like to share with you what the final products of where I am and what I am left with at the end:

First off, these three new goofy girls moved into Tahara and my life and made this semester better than I expected, creating many laughs and memories along the way:
They taught me to leave an open mind and an open heart. Not all change will destroy your life. Change can expand your world for the better and force you to grow.

Secondly, life will not leave you broken and wasted. Joy will re-enter, and while you may never get back what you lost, you will find someone who will resemble the good you thought disappeared, and will mend your old wounds:

Academically, I learned that my Comm. classes left me wanting; Grammar, Style and Editing was the best class I've ever taken in my life; whatever artistic talent I have is genetic; the history of photography is amazing, and I give up entirely on ever being fluent in espanol.

Here are some achievements from this year:

First Grammar, Style and Editing:
(Here is one of the style pieces where we had to rant and employ the style elements: Echo salience, It Cleft, What Cleft, Chiasmus, Of+Heavy Word and Antithesis. I passed with flying colors-- my professors comment: "Wow! What a piece! Powerful. Beautiful. An interesting and gripping read.")

It's still as beautiful as the day it spawns and nothing can take that from us. Except death, which stripped everything from me-- my happiness, warmth, security, trust, sanity, routine-- you left me barren, alone and drowning in the wake of your wrath. Was life too perfect before you entered and made me take notice, whipping and wringing every drop of beauty out of me?
You did not just strip the soul from his body, but you proceeded to slit the throat of my love. You just shrugged it off, counting it as just another casualty caught in the ripple effect of the inevitable. No one gets out alive, right? It is the naivete of man to think death grants exemptions. But come on, death did not have to find me twice in two weeks.
You took Rob and then got greedy. You happily watched every vengeful thrust stab me in the back and smother innocent love in one inebriated motion. What gave you away was the residue of her lip-gloss on his cheating ass. I knew you had something to do with her tainted touch that crumbled the sturdy pillar love built. You left me with death of life and death of love.
I know I cannot just blame you though. Death cannot influence the free will of humans nor account for a human's stupid mistake. But that does not mean I let you off the hook. I may blame and hate the unfaithful, heartless scum that abandoned me two hundred miles away to escape from his jealousy between her fresh warm legs, but I blame and hate you even more for causing it. I breathed sorrow for months because of you and choked on the self-pity that seeps from a crushed spirit, but now I exhale you and suck life back in.
You cannot extinguish my memories or my strength. I continue to grow and adapt in spite of you. The power of death cannot exist without the vulnerability of life. Let's face it sucker, you need me.
I conquered you four times before, and although recovery from this double blow slowly progresses, you make no lasting impression. I will write you out of my life until I complete catharsis. But damn you for every constant reminder of the best friend you stole. You tripped him down the stairs, and cheated the world of one of the few men of substance. You cheated me from: our late night walks and intellectual conversation, Starbucks dates and free Mac and Cheese, unconditional love and intimacy not cheapened by false physical intimacy. You cheated the world from: an unselfish and passionate young man, change to better the world and the compassion with which to do so, agape and peace. What did the world stand to gain from losing him? I will never forgive you, but I will live for him.

Basic Drawing:
(Here are some drawings I did this year)

(Charcoal & White Pastel)

(Charcoal & White Pastel)

(Charcoal & White Pastel)

(Charcoal & White Pastel- 2nd attempt at eggs)

(Charcoal- 1st attempt at eggs)

(Charcoal- unfinished)




(final product- pencil, perspective)




(Pencil & Charcoal)

(Pencil- Final)

I have grown from this year-- I am stronger, wiser, aged, more hopeful, and happier than I thought I would be.

and looking back to where I thought I'd be at the beginning of sophomore year, and in comparison to where I stand, I can't help but be reminded of this quote:

"To know that you don't know is the first sign of wisdom."

Expect the unexpected-- That is life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

While surfing through the world wide web of procrastination...

I found this. Amazing and a little me you will be impressed, fast forward to 56 seconds.
