Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home is where I want to be...

Oh the unlucky timing of snow.  Everyone here at Marist has wanted snow for weeks now, but finally when the time is most inconvenient it threatens to come.  

Tomorrow the weather channel is calling for 6-14 inches of snow.  I have a final tomorrow at 10:30, which is not so bad because some people have finals at 1, but at this point I just want to go home.  Marist has threatened to postpone finals till saturday.  I am not waiting till saturday to go chance!  I emailed my professor today asking if I could take it today, but he simply replied, "The final will be at its scheduled time tomorrow.  It is not supposed to snow heavily until the afternoon."  Which is true, it is not supposed to snow heavily until 3...but it is supposed to start snowing at 6 in the morning.  And for your information professor, I have a four hour trip home to Delaware >: O
I am trying to get done with my final by 11:30, get everything packed by 12, and get out of here before the snow really starts to fall.  I really hope that none of the finals get canceled, I personally don't want to stay till saturday, and I know no one else wants to stay through saturday.

Besides the weather, I am also stressed about this final.  History is proving to be my toughest class.  I wish this was not my last final, because with the promise of going home, and my onset of ADD I can't think or focus, and I am stressing out because I can't seem to formulate the answers to the three possible essay questions he gave us.  My stress has even begun to affect my cooking skills... 

Last night after studying, and freaking out about studying all day and still not knowing anything, I went to make some ramen noodles.  I put the noodles in the bowl, and then the seasoning and put it in the microwave for three minutes.  Notice any step I might have missed?  Yea, me neither...until the microwave started smoking.  I opened it up, noticed the noodles were burnt, ran to the windows and threw them open, rushed out of my room into the one down the hall and called for Chanel's assistance.  Everyone ran in my room, faning the air, holding a bowl over the fire alarm, trying to prevent a mass exodus out of the building.  We succeeded, and it is safe to say I am not public enemy number one.  Phew, close call.  I could not help but laugh at myself, but I felt like such an idiot, considering the day before I had cooked the same meal and did not forget the water.  This stress has taken my mind, and tried to take my room.  There were no flames, just a lot of smoke, and when I grabbed the container out of the microwave I noticed that it had burnt a hole through it.  Mom, I think I need new tupperware for christmas : ).   

Even though my horoscope says, "You're feeling really unprepared for something you have to do today, but your a lot more ready than you think.  Deep breath..."
I have a hard time believing it.  I hope it is right.

Well I should go study, but I have this weird mix of stress and apathy.  My heart is set on going home, and my head is ready to go home, but knows that I still have one final to complete.  It does not help that everyone and their freaking mother is done with finals and is home.  If I see one more facebook status saying "done finals : )" or "home!" I'm going to flip.  My sanity is slipping...

Please pray for a safe trip home for me and my Dad tomorrow, and that I don't completely fail this final.  I can't wait to be back home.

Friday, December 12, 2008

"Hopefully this holiday will make us believe that we're exactly where we're supposed to be..."

I can't give details on this, but so many things have been happening in the past few weeks of december that have made me unsure about what life has in store for me...What is it about this month that has relationships, and everything turned around and upside down?

I'm confused, I'm shaken, I'm ready to come home to have time to just think.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just stopped by to procrastinate

So I was "working" on my paper for communications today and this is what popped up when I tried to go to a certain site:

404- Resource Not Found

In Haiku:

The page that you seek
Cannot be located, but
Countless more exist.

Strangest response I've received for a non-locatable page so far on the web...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Common, Simple, Beautiful Ways

I've been back in New York for about a week now, and no sooner have I come back than I want to go home, but I am keeping myself busy.  I don't have much time to blog because I have to prepare for finals (even though they are two weeks away), so I am just going to leave you with this youtube video I found.  This girl is really good...

I can't wait to go back to all of the common simple beautiful ways...
(for some reason this link won't work, so just type in "Common, Simple, Beautiful" Original by Jennifer Chung).
